Archive for 2012

‘The New Demands of Modern Warfare Must Be Met’



The link


Apple Title Block

It’s a wee one.

Family Guy Does Generic

Scene from an apartment in your mind.

A Defeated People


Chicken Nugget

Spotted by my brother on the side of a fried chicken shop in Dublin.

The Carriers

‘When word of a crisis breaks out in Washington, it’s no accident that the first question that comes to everyone’s lips is: “Where’s the nearest carrier?”‘

President Bill Clinton, March 12, 1993 aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt.

Square Peg

This ad was released in 1998. I was 16. It’s aged well.

Rough Loop

This scene terrified me when I was little. The idea that your attempts to kill something are making it stronger is pretty unsettling. It seems to resonate a little with the current war on terror…

Déjà vu?

Have you seen this house before? I’d swear I have.
Maybe because it looks a bit American to me? Some kind of media memory?

Atoms For Peace

There is a very utopian feel to the IAEA logo.
Feels out of place in these uncertain times.

Content and Delivery

Plan B talks sense at TED and the disproportionate funding of the Olympics gets ticked off nicely in his Ill Manors video.


The sports watch of the’80s