Archive for 2011

NYPD stream

While I listen to this it is further flavoured by the sound of children playing at a nearby primary school, and birdsong, and toilet extractor fan and clicking keyboard keys.


My niece just turned 13.

International Nuclear Event Scale


Why not play the Glee video muted with the Shackleton tune as the soundtrack. When the first Glee video runs out Youtube’s ‘Up Next’ suggestion will be equally suitable.

Post Script. The Skull Disco track has a lot of bass frequencies in it. To get the full effect use headphones or a decent stereo.



Rivendell make lovely bikes. But does the 1994 on that head tube badge not jar a bit with you?


Cracking work by a Mr Kyle Bean.

Sunday morning science


Toby Mott writes about growing growing up London style in the late 70s and early 80s. Creative Review March 2011.

Positive interaction

From Skypes’ topping up web page.

From Trinity to eternity

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