ten minus two
Hey all, really impressive work yesterday across all years and platforms. Prepare for a tough ride in 8 this year… And get yourself a valid passport. See you all on Monday, then it’s our turn to impress you, greetings
8 is a do-tank
Guess what….
This ‘unique’ building is home to a basket weaving company.
Van Persie – the new Bergkamp?: Discuss
Henny, you’d be proud.
Check out this amazing volley from the goal against charlton the other day!
The Man of Scrap
He is fighting terrorism and his name is Arie.
this looks like the best fucking art iv seen in ages. any parallels with public / private here?
the White Stripes
Tom are you feeling this?
Stockwell – Brighton
Nice ride to the sun. (IDE) Ben, Alex and Henny.
Interactive Architecture
This is a great piece of interactive building graffiti.
Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow
Nice little project!
Video Description
A dynamic system with magnetic interaction between its parts visualizes the increasing difficulty of prediction the farther into the future we attempt to look.
Interactive Installation
by Eva Schindling and Daniel J. Wilson
Cut Killer
Mc Luhan ’62
Instead of tending towards a vast Alexandrian library the world has become a computer, an electronic brain, exactly as an infantile piece of science fiction. And as our senses have gone outside us, Big Brother goes inside. So, unless aware of this dynamic, we shall at once move into a phase of panic terrors, exactly befitting a small world of tribal drums, total interdependence, and superimposed co-existence. […] Terror is the normal state of any oral society, for in it everything affects everything all the time. […] In our long striving to recover for the Western world a unity of sensibility and of thought and feeling we have no more been prepared to accept the tribal consequences of such unity than we were ready for the fragmentation of the human psyche by print culture.
had to blog this